Climate Action Academy - January Cohort

The Climate Action Academy (CAA) is a virtual training program on climate change, sustainable cities and green solutions for educators teaching at the 7th to 12th grade school levels. The aim of the CAA is to include these topics in the curriculum at the local level and to give participants a better preparation to teach about climate change through an interdisciplinary perspective not limited to mathematics and science, but also to include geography, civic education, arts, history and foreign language, among others.

The certification provides basic information on the climate crisis, the regional context and also shares visual and didactic tools to complement curriculums. The goal of this is to motivate concrete actions that promote leading a more sustainable lifestyle and, at the same time, contribute to the better adaptation to a local context. Visual tools are operational co-creation tools that refer to design thinking, uncertainty management, creativity, and teamwork. Climate-KIC, the European Union's innovation and knowledge community for climate action, supports the methodology, certifies teachers and positions cities internationally, strengthening the climate action ecosystem.


Know: Teachers are equipped with information and methodologies that allow them to activate their school communities for climate action.

Inspire: Teachers examine international climate action cases from the classroom. They also access a global community of change agents in the education system.

Integrate: Teachers integrate educational tools into the curriculum, creating new opportunities for their educational communities to take sustainability actions.

Instructor / Your Instructor

2811 ist eine internationale Plattform für sozialen und ökologischen Wandel mit lokalen Teams in Deutschland, Spanien, Portugal, Kolumbien, Brasilien, USA und Chile. Seit seiner Gründung im Jahr 2016 unterstützt 2811 Universitäten und Schulen auf ihrem Weg zu einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung, indem es die Fähigkeiten von Lehrern und Studenten in den Bereichen soziale Innovation, Unternehmertum, nachhaltige Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz fördert. 2811 ist ein offizieller Partner von EIT-Climate-KIC und Ashoka.

Course Curriculum

Preguntas Frecuentes / Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course starts and ends?
The course will open Monday, January 18th, and will run until February 14th.
Which are the requisites for receiving the certificate?
The participants will be certified in "Education for Climate Action" by EIT Climate-KIC Young Innovators. To receive the certificate, the participants have to participate in, at least, 3 of 4 virtual sessions and deliver the final work within the deadline.
What is Climate-KIC?
EIT Climate-KIC is a Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC), working to accelerate the transition to a zero-carbon, climate-resilient society that is supported by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology. Young Innovators is the program in charge of installing capacities and knowledge for acting against climate change in the educational system. Young Innovators gives an official certificate to teachers that complete the training offered through 2811.
Do you need more information?
Contact Katie Cashman at [email protected].

¡Empecemos! / Get started now!